Aadarsh Balireddy

Hometown: Lewisville, TX

Intended Major: Computer Science

Hi, my name is Aadarsh and I'm from Dallas, Texas. Computers have always fascinated me with how they exhibit a completely new world that we have created from the ground up. As someone with a deep love for history, this makes my mind buzz with excitement and possibility. Because of rapid improvements in graphical technology, now for the first time in our history we have the ability to bring back to life the magnificent, lost world of the past back to life, preserved in a form that will be unaffected by the physical wear of time, completely within our new, virtual realm.

Outside of this specific area of study, I also have a passion for other areas of the humanities, like linguistics and music. Chamber music especially is something I'm very passionate about, because of all of the strange, unique, and beautiful sounds/textures composers aren't afraid to risk putting in there (highly recommend either  one of Bartok's or Ravel's string quartets for reference). It makes for an incredibly unique listening and performing experience, and I love it so much. This is an area where technology has a big impact on the humanities as well, since as a saxophonist, I often have to use music notation software to arrange pieces written for other instruments.

Anyway, I'm extremely excited to get to meet you all and further explore the ways we can impact our community through exploring the intersection of new technology and old disciplines!
