Developing the Milstein Internship Site

Problem Statement

How might we continue to development  a dynamic, up-to-date internship resource, exclusively for Milstein students, that includes rich student evaluations and interviews, best-in-class opportunities and campus resources?

Students meeting at A.D. White House over dinner
Students chatting over dinner at a student-run Internship/Externship networking event

Project Overview

The Project

This project will focus on migrating the existing site created last year by a first-year team using  Wordpress, to another platform in order to be able to revamp the look of the site, make it more functional and easier to navigate, and create a more user-friendly interface. Additionally the team hopes to increase awareness for this resource among Milstein scholars and make the site more accessible.

As one way to gather content for this site, the team organized an internship/externship networking event to identify students they might interview for the site, as well as create an opportunity for cross-cohort communication among Milstein Program scholars. 

Designs for website done in Figma
Figma design prototypes for website page