Externship/Junior Project Funds

Milstein Scholars working on a Junior Project can apply for up to $1,500 in funds for a career shadowing opportunity or for supplies, software, research, or travel related to their project.

Juniors are welcome to use the funds for either or both opportunities, but cannot exceed the $1500 total allocated to them. 

Externship Funds

Externship Funds are used for travel related to exploring your field of interest. You can choose to shadow someone working in your field of interest or travel to a conference in your academic or career-related field. This Externship opportunity is ideally connected to the development of your Junior Project, but this is not required.

Milstein Scholars who are awarded funding for an Externship must write a short reflection (2 pages single-spaced) to be submitted no more than two weeks after the trip. You may also be asked to do a report-out about your experiences at an MStudio talk. Your write up will be added to the Milstein Internship/Professional Development database and website as a resource for other Milstein students.

We encourage you to check out CUELinks and explore the alumni network. You may also identify someone outside the Cornell network. Each Scholar is responsible for identifying and approaching their potential subject (we can supply a letter of introduction). You should already have made contact with the person you intend to shadow before applying for Externship funding. 

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. Applicants will hear back within two weeks of their submission if not sooner. Funding typically is received within six weeks of the application so plan accordingly to allow time for review and to receive funds.

Application Instructions

Apply for Externship Funds > After submitting the Google form, please send an email to [email protected] so we can confirm it was received. Thank you!

Deadline: Rolling, to be used any time Junior year to Senior Fall.

Junior Project Funds

Milstein Scholars undertake a year-long, independent study to deepen their understanding of the issues, topics, and technologies that interest them. Depending on the nature of a student's project, supplies or software may be necessary for building a prototype, conducting research, etc. Students will now have the option to apply for up to $1500 in funding specifically to support their research.

This funding is part of the $1500 set aside for student Externships. A student may apply for either the Junior Project funds, the Externship funds, OR both funding pools (but the amount requested must total no more than $1500 for Externship funds and Junior Project funds combined).

Application Instructions

Students should submit a proposal with the following information to the Program Manager or to [email protected]:

  • Itemized budget
  • Brief explanation on why you need these items or funding (and detail the use in context of your Junior Project)

Deadline: Rolling, to be used any time while working on a Junior Project.
