Sophomore Summer Research Stipends

Sophomores in the Milstein Program can apply for funds of up to $2,000 for project work to be done over the summer. These projects can be continuations of your First-year Project or a new project of your choice, including: a creative undertaking, a data visualization, a small scale research project, or any project you choose that explores the intersection of technology and humanity and can be completed over the summer by July 31st. Project proposals must include a deliverable which should be defined in your application and completed and submitted by July 31st. 

A graduate student or post-doctoral advisor will be assigned to each student completing a sophomore stipend project unless you have already secured an advisor on your own. You will meet three times with your advisor over the course of the grant period.

Application Guidelines 

Applications should consist of the following materials in a single .pdf file (2 pages double spaced):

  1. Cover sheet including your name, NetID, major(s) & minor(s), proposed project title, amount requested (up to $2,000)
  2. Abstract (~1 paragraph): What are you hoping to do with the funds? What will the outcome be? Have you secured an advisor? Who is it? 
  3. Statement of purpose (~2 paragraphs): Why? What makes this project relevant? How will you do this project? What are your current plans?
  4. Biographical sketch (~1 paragraphs): What have you been doing that leads you to this project? How will these funds further your interests?  

Deadline: May 20

Please send your application (single .pdf) to [email protected].



Can I apply for less than $2,000? Yes. $2,000 is the maximum and you can certainly apply for less.

What if I have an internship (a separate opportunity from this proposed project)? If you have a paid internship (full-time), you are ineligible. If you have an unpaid internship (full-time), you may apply for a maximum of $1,000. If you have part-time internship (paid/unpaid), you may apply for a maximum of $2,000.

How is the funding disbursed? If you receive a stipend, you will receive an award letter with more details. Students will be set up in the College's vendor system, PaymentWorks, and will receive the stipend in two lump sums (one at the beginning and one at the midpoint) via direct deposit.
